


Levi is originally a dental nurse who graduated with honours awarded in July 2010, with a passion of the aesthetics industry she then went on to further her career in Nursing.

Levi is a staff nurse with an Adult Nursing degree BSc (Hons) AN awarded from Liverpool University in 2018. She worked within the Private health sector department, specialising in Orthopaedics and Cosmetic surgeries at Liverpool Spire Hospital, and in a variety of other hospital settings, giving her extensive medical knowledge and experience.

She completed her aesthetics training in 2019 and has worked her aesthetics clients around her nursing to ensure her skillset is kept to the highest level. Levi is an advanced injector with in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy, techniques and an understanding of product placement.

Levi has a natural eye and passion for aesthetics and her meticulous technique giving the most natural results. Levi loves everything about aesthetics and has a keen eye for detail, she always strives to give her clients the best experience and outcomes from start to finish helping clients feel more confident and happy in themselves. She maintains her knowledge of new treatments and techniques with frequent training courses. Her advanced interpersonal skills ensure that clients are instantly at ease.


  • North East chambers of Commerce Level 3 Award in Dental Nursing - July 2010

  • Bsc (Hons) With Registered Nurse status, Adult Nursing - January 2018

  • Resuscitation Council (UK), Immediate Life Support - January 2022

  • Facethetics Training, Lips & Upper Cheek Augmentations Advanced Dermal Filler - May 2019

  • Facethetics Training, Foundation Derma Filler Assessment - May 2019

  • Facethetics Training, Botulinum Toxin / Botox - May 2019

  • Russian Lip Masterclass & Lip Complications - November 2021

  • British Beauty Academy Eyelash & Brow Tinting - February 2013

  • The Beauty Academy, High Definition Brows - May 2022

  • BioRePeel FND & Body Biostimulation Revitalisation Peeling - April 2022

  • Intravenous Drug Administration 2022-2023
    Venepuncture and Cannulation

  • Intermediate Life Support

  • Mentorship/student support

  • Infection Prevention & Control Level 1 and 2

  • Information Governance - Inclusive of Counter Fraud

  • Fire Safety

  • NHS Conflict Resolution - Inclusive of Complaints Handling + Lone Working

  • Moving & Handling Level 1 and 2 updated 2023

  • Resuscitation Level 1 - Inclusive of Anaphylaxis

  • Resuscitation Level 2 - Adult Basic Life Support

  • Resuscitation Level 3 - Adult Immediate Life Support

Treatment Botox

Botox - Botox®* or Botulinum toxin injectables are a non-surgical method to combat the sign of ageing.

Mostly it is used to eliminate fine lines, creases and to relax the dynamic wrinkles such as frown lines, forehead wrinkles and crow's feet that occur from repetitive muscle movements. Botox®* cosmetic treatment is FDA approved to minimise the appearance of glabellar lines (frown lines). It is often used for the temporary reduction of marionette lines at the corners of the mouth and smoker's lines around the lips.

How does Botulinum Toxin work?

It works by blocking nerve transmission to temporarily minimise the contractions of the facial muscles. In younger people with more elastic skin a temporary line is created by the muscle contraction but immediately disappears as the muscle relaxes. As time goes by, the skin develops a permanent crease that doesn’t disappear, even after the muscle relaxes.

The treatment is very popular for both men and women with effects typically lasting from 3 to 6 months. However, recent study in the US now suggests patients receiving Botulinum Toxin treatments can reduce wrinkles with half as many sessions after 20 months.

The study also shows how the injections have a prophylactic effect with patients who first started receiving the treatment in their 30s and 40s are able to prevent dynamic wrinkles from forming.

Procedure - This is a simple and safe procedure and it generally takes 10 to 20 minutes for the treatment to be carried out which requires no anaesthetic.

Firstly, the skin in the desired area will be cleaned, then Botox®* is administered in very minute amounts and carefully injected into those muscles which produce the lines and wrinkles in the face using a microneedle or diabetic needle. This reduces the corresponding muscle activity and blocks nerve impulses to those tissues where the wrinkles are formed without affecting the functions/movement of other non-targeted facial muscles, thus maintaining all your natural facial expressions. There is very minimal discomfort during the procedure.

Risk and complications - Botox®* injections are safe when performed by an experienced doctor. The risk/complications are very rare if they do occur, are usually mild and temporary which may include:

  • Swelling or temporary redness or bruising at the injection site

  • Occasionally slight Headache

  • Temporary droopy eyelid or asymmetrical eyebrows (no longer than 2-3 weeks)

  • Eye dryness or excessive tearing

Downtime and recovery -  Botox®* treatment cause very minimal sensation and discomfort during the procedure. Botox®* is a non-invasive and almost painless as it is a non-surgical facial treatment. It has no downtime and recovery period and you can resume your normal duties immediately after treatment. You should try and avoid the sun for the rest of the day, and ensure you don’t rub or irritate the treated area.

Result- Botox®* safely and temporarily restores a youthful appearance by reducing the fine lines, creases, and dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movements. Wrinkles begin to fade within 24 hours, with continued improvement over the next five days.It takes about 2 weeks to activate and completely relax the muscles that cause wrinkles and lines so you can see its full effect within 2 weeks.

It lasts for approximately 3-5 months after which the effect will gradually wear off as new nerve endings begin to grow. However, this re-growth which causes corresponding muscle activity starts to slow down in time if you are taking Botox at regular intervals or just before the effects of the previous dose begin to wear off. It has been observed that after 18 - 24 months of continuous Botox®* induced muscle relaxation, there may be a longer interval needed for muscle recovery when Botox®* treatment is stopped.

Botox®* has lost much of its stigma, and is now regarded as just another beauty option, however it is still classed as a medical intervention. This is a prescription-only medication and should only be considered after a full consultation with a trained doctor or nurse.

Dermal Filler

Dermal Fillers - Advanced treatments for reducing wrinkles, facial lines & restoring facial volume.

Dermal filler is a non-surgical method for facial rejuvenation which are used to volumize areas and deep lines to minimize the appearance of aging. These injection of soft-tissue fillers have a plumping effect and are generally inserted into the lips, cheeks or under the eyes to restore the lost volume. Dermal fillers are also used for smoothing the static wrinkles, facial creases and  indented scars formed from acne or chickenpox. Dermal fillers are great to treat naso-labial folds (nose to mouth lines), smoker’s lines around the mouth and lips.

The facial fillers are composed of a naturally occurring substance in the body called hyaluronan (Hyaluronic acid), which has the remarkable ability to hold onto more than 100 times its weight in water, thereby adding volume and restoring youthful appearance.

Am I a Candidate for Dermal Filler Treatment?

The following are some common reasons to consider facial rejuvenation:

  • If you have a number of signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles.

  • If you have a ‘tired’ appearance and you want to look younger and more refreshed.

  • If you are looking for natural result for your face enhancement with virtually no downtime after treatment.

  • If you don’t want to go for any surgical procedure to rejuvenate your face.

  • If you are a healthy person, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations.

Procedure- Before making the injections with an ultra-fine needle, your surgeon will apply numbing cream to the area, ensuring any pain is kept to a minimum. In some cases a local anaesthetic is used. The procedure takes about 30-40 minutes to complete. When the dermal filler is injected into the skin, the  hyaluronic acid volumizes, softens and hydrates the skin. It also promotes the production of  collagen and elastin underneath the skin which gives the skin a more youthful texture.

Risk and complications- Dermal fillers are safe when performed by an experienced doctor. The risk/complications are rare by filler injections which may include the followings:

The common risks are: temporary redness or bruising, swelling, pain.

The rare risks are: infection, skin discolouration, bumps and nodules.

Downtime and recovery- Dermal filler causes very minimal sensation and discomfort during the procedure. It has no downtime and recovery period because it is also a non-surgical procedure like Botox. You can resume your normal activities immediately after treatment, however you should try to avoid the sun for the rest of the day and also it is advisable to avoid massaging the treated areas, or exercise and sauna.

Result - Dermal fillers provide an excellent option for restoring lost facial volume, softening angular lines, filling the hollows under the eyes, correcting early jowl formation (yes, we all hate that one) and those deep smile lines.

Dermal fillers create a natural and more lifted facial appearance and restore the youthful fullness by adding the lost volume in desired area of your face. Results are immediate and the effect lasts up to a year. Successful results depend on health or age of the skin, type and quality of filler used. Fillers often need replenishment every few months as the hyaluronic acid will begin to dissolve. If the procedure is not repeated, the skin will gradually return to its pre treatment condition.